We’re excited to announce that ConnectED has received a generous grant from the Hearst Foundation to develop a toolkit that will help districts operationalize its Graduate Profile.

Over the past decade, an increasing number of school districts in California and across the country have convened community stakeholders to create a Graduate Profile: a succinct one-pager that defines the skills, competencies, and mindsets required for future success. Communities have been willing to dedicate the time and resources necessary to develop Graduate Profiles because they believe that traditional accountability systems often too narrowly define college and career readiness. School and community leaders believe it is important to more broadly define the learning outcomes that should be the result of educating the “whole child.” Research reinforces the need to broaden the definition of college and career readiness to incorporate a range of 21st Century skills and social-emotional learning outcomes.

While creating a Graduate Profile is a critical first step, its mere existence neither changes practice nor outcomes. Too often, the Graduate Profile becomes simply a colorful poster or web page. However, increasingly, districts are eager to operationalize their Graduate Profiles as an impetus for engaging students in deeper learning and demonstrating their competency through authentic performance assessments. There is renewed interest and commitment to Graduate Profiles among districts and communities eager to promote more holistic and equitable preparation for future success in college, career and civic engagement. Most importantly, districts are willing to hold themselves collectively accountable for ensuring that each and every student demonstrates the outcomes articulated in their respective Profiles. The willingness is there, but districts need help. The field has not yet crafted a toolkit that can be easily accessed by school districts to guide their process. ConnectED is partnering with Scaling Student Success to develop such a toolkit, and plans to have it available to districts later this year. Stay tuned for future details.


Operationalizing the Graduate Profile

We’re excited to announce that ConnectED has received a generous grant from the Hearst Foundation to develop a toolkit that will help districts operationalize its Graduate Profile. Over the past decade, an increasing number of school districts in California and across the country have convened community stakeholders to create a Graduate Profile: a succinct one-pager […]

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Learning from the Field During COVID

As the COVID 19 crisis began to take hold in late March the disruption to our schools was unprecedented.

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We Will Learn and Heal Together

The past weeks have been wrought with the tragic murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Dion Johnson. Moreover, there have been countless other cases of harm to and harassment of people in the black community as we saw with Christian Cooper in New York City. Most of these instances do not make it to the daily news, ignored testimony to how common racism and police brutality are in American life.

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Should California create a Graduate Profile?

Would doing so drive shifts that more equitably and holistically prepare students for future success?

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Transportation – Today and Tomorrow

 How do you actually design and build a car? What are the main components of an electric vehicle? What does the future of the auto industry look like? Join us Tuesday, May 26 at 9:30am PDT for a conversation with one of the industry’s leaders, Marques McCammon, as he answers some of these questions, and launches a student Design Challenge.

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This Teachable Moment

Nationwide, schools—from K-12 all the way through postsecondary institutions—are shuttering their doors. Government officials predict that schools are likely to remain closed for the next three to six months, through summer break. As parents, teachers, and students absorb the shocks and challenges of this new reality, many are wrestling with whether and how to sustain learning and teaching during these tumultuous times. In most respects, this is unprecedented. But in some respects, it is not.

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Welcome Team Members

In order to meet the growing national demand for College & Career pathways, the ConnectED team is growing. We are excited to announce the addition of two new members to the ConnectED staff, as well as a new board member.

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Experiential Learning as Valuable for Adults as It is for Students

The City of Long Beach needs to measure pedestrian traffic in the northwest quarter of the city. To assist the city, a team of seniors in the Academy of Advanced Manufacturing, Construction, and Engineering at Jordon High School are designing a device integrating infrared sensors, an electronic controller, and wireless communication.

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Giving Tuesday

#GivingTuesday is here! We’re excited to participate in this inspiring day of giving back and hope that you’ll join in supporting the important work we are doing, work that prepares youth for successful lives in college and career via academically aligned Linked Learning pathways.

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ConnectED Receives Multi-Year Grant

ConnectED is thrilled to receive a grant from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to lead a 30-month partnership, led by Kiera Brodsky Chase and Jennifer Lutzenberger-Phillips, with Envision Learning Partners and the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD). This project will pilot an integrated sequence of the Illustrative Mathematics (IM) curriculum in high school […]

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