At ConnectED, we believe that a Linked Learning approach can provide a great education for every student. Linked Learning helps educators create real-world learning experiences that interest, challenge, and inspire students, so they can better understand the connections between the classroom and the world of work. When this happens, research shows that students are more likely to deeply engage in their learning, and more likely to transform a passion into a profession.

What does Linked Learning look like in practice?

Students in a traditional high school may spend Periods 1-6 in different classrooms, studying subjects that have no connection to one another. They may often ask, “Why do I need to know this?” or “What does it matter?” Students are right to ask these questions, and they deserve better answers.

For students enrolled in a Linked Learning Engineering pathway, for example, students not only learn trigonometry and calculus but also how they are applied in designing seismically sound buildings and bridges. Under the guidance of a professional engineer, they may make a model of a bridge to evaluate the tensile strength of different materials, and write up their results and analysis. Additionally, they intern in an architectural or engineering firm interacting with working adults around real problems.

This approach makes learning more like the real world of work, responds to student interests, and helps students answer the question, “Why do I need to learn this?” When students love what they’re learning, they work harder, dream bigger, and learn more.

Watch the video to learn more.