ConnectED is pleased to announce that we have been written in as partners on several Golden State Pathways Program (GSPP) award winning grants! We look forward to helping our partners achieve their goals.

Have you been awarded a GSPP grant and now find yourself in need of assistance to meet the grant goals? If so, we can help. We have extensive experience and a wide range of beneficial services and resources.

Free Resources:

Implementing pathways requires coordination across all levels of the school system. Districts coordinate with the community to ensure access to work-based learning and dual enrollment opportunities. School leaders work with the district to ensure resource alignment. Academy/Pathway leads benefit from thoughtful master scheduling and student recruitment. ConnectED provides frameworks to help coordinate and guide the work at all levels. Frameworks allow teams to discuss standards, self-assess, and then set goals based on needs.


ConnectED offers a wealth of videos in two categories:

  • Implementing Pathways videos give educators a five-minute window into how other districts approached various aspects of College and Career Readiness implementation. The topics span from student experience to work-based learning coordination with community partners.

  • Day at Work videos align with College and Career Readiness pathway industry themes. Industry themes help make education more relevant and engaging. The Day at Work videos give educators and students the opportunity to hear directly from real life people working in their pathway industry. This broadens understanding of the industry, awareness of what it takes to succeed in the field, and showcases the age, gender, and racial diversity of the workforce. All of which allows students to see themselves in various roles and better understand how to achieve their goals.

Over the last 15 years, ConnectED has supported over 40 districts across the country to implement College and Career Readiness Pathways. This has allowed us to recognize patterns in implementation challenges and successes. Our library of webinars addresses common questions. Our webinars have the added benefit of being attended by practitioners across the country who share their experiences and best practices throughout.

Contracted Services:

GSPP Planning and Implementation Grant Support

ConnectED supports practitioners and partners at every level of the system: Community, District, School Site, Pathway and Classroom; to move the work from theory to action.

Learn More ConnectED takes a developmental approach that addresses team needs at both the Implementing phase and the Sustaining High-Quality work phase. This support can include one or more of the following:
  1. Developing and improving district systems of support
  2. Ongoing coaching and support to site leaders and Academy Teams (meeting planning, facilitation, support)
  3. Continuous improvement support using ConnectED frameworks to assist with goal setting and reflection on practice
  4. Facilities review and recommendations to support CTE integration and project-based learning
  5. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment support to revise and implement: curriculum, district instructional guidance and district assessment systems to support pathways and graduate profile implementation
  6. Instructional improvement projects focused on high quality implementation and pedagogy
  7. Industry aligned math task development utilizing Illustrative Mathematics

Specific Supports include:

  • Needs and Capacity Readiness Assessments for districts planning college and career pathways aligned with the GSPP Goals. This allows districts to better understand their current state so that they can build on strengths and pro-actively address challenges. This assessment can be comprehensive or a focused partial review.
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    ConnectED works with District and School Site Leadership Teams to surface current assets, capacity for the changes, and things needed. The Needs and Capacity Readiness Assessment provides an onsite review facilitation of admin, teacher, student, parent, and community partner focus groups, along with a written report which includes commendations and recommendations. The assessments can focus on one or more of the following areas:

    • Partnership Support
    • District Systems Support
    • Career Technical Education (CTE) quality
    • Core Academic instruction
    • Work-Based Learning (WBL)quality and systems
    • Student Support
    • Local Labor Market and Post-Secondary opportunities

    Contact us about Needs and Capacity Readiness Assessments.

  • Experiential Site Visits to see college and career pathways through the Linked Learning approach and the classroom, pathway, school, district and community levels. Come talk to students, teachers, district, and site admin and community partners. ConnectED provides several ESV opportunities a year to see the work in various contexts

  • District Planning for College and Career Pathways helps District Leadership Teams make sure the critical conditions are in place that support high-quality implementation.
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    ConnectED supports District Planning for College and Career Pathways by developing District Leadership Team preparation which includes:

    • Creating a local graduate profile
    • Creating local district definitions for college and career pathways
    • Development of a Work-based learning Continuum and system of support
    • Creating implementation goals, plan and metrics for college and career pathways
    • Determining career themes for pathways and programs of study for both core academics and CTE for each pathway (note these steps need to occur before any master scheduling occurs)
    • Self-assessment and action planning for continuous improvement

    Contact us about District Planning for College and Career Pathways.

  • School based College and Career Pathway Design Institutes for Academy/Pathways Teams planning necessary to achieve GSPP goals.
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    School-based College and Career Pathway Design Institutes provide guided facilitation and help Academy/Pathway teams take local context into account and complete the following:

    • Designing the student experience for initial implementation
    • Establishing academy team norms, ways of working, and agendas for meetings
    • Student recruitment and marketing support plans
    • Designing for belonging
    • Implementation plans

    Contact us about School Based Design Institutes.

  • Work-Based Learning System Design support helps district and site leadership teams create a WBL Continuum and map out a system of support to work within legal regulations and policy. Development of this level of infrastructure and coordination ensures safety and helps students attain the skills needed for college and career.
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    ConnectED works with District and Site Leadership teams to provide Work-based Learning System Design support that includes:

    • Developing a broad-based coalition and pathway level Business Advisory Councils/committees
    • Mapping of workflows to get students, teachers, and businesses connected
    • Review of support platforms that best align with local need

    Contact us about Work-based Learning System Design.

  • Master Schedule analysis and development necessary for cross-curricular integration and instructional collaboration, common planning time for teachers and cohort scheduling for students to increase achievement.
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    ConnectED offers Master Schedule support by providing:

    • Schedule audits
    • Schedule development support for college and career pathways
    • Capacity building of staff

    Contact us about Master Schedule support.

  • Instructional Assessment, Design, and Planning support to advance both district instructional support and teacher instructional capacity.
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    ConnectED works with educators across the system to provide Instructional Assessment, Design and Planning support services which include:

    • Curricular and instruction landscape scans and analysis
    • Defining Pathways instructional vision
    • Developing a continuum of industry integration
    • Industry integrated curriculum design (including Project Based Learning planning workshops)

    Contact us about Instructional Assessment, Design and Planning.

  • Math Curriculum support to better understand existing resources, maximize use and bridge it to College and Career Pathways.
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    ConnectED works with educators across the system to engage in Math Curriculum support which includes

    • A curriculum audit
    • Professional learning to design industry aligned supplemental tasks
    • Action-planning to help incorporate tasks and key times.

    Contact us about Math Curriculum support.

Contact us about Implementation Grant Support.

Customized Services:

Do you need support in an area that isn’t listed? ConnectED also provides customized supports based on your unique context and needs. For more information on any of the listed services, Contact us.