
“Our mission is to transform education by helping all schools redesign the student experience.”

Career Ladders Project

Career Ladders Project
“We collaborate with community colleges and K-16 educational systems across California to facilitate their design, implementation, and evaluation of guided pathways.”


“Since 1998 CCASN has been working to increase educational opportunities that offer each young person support and guidance, productive engagement in the world outside of school, and preparation for both college and careers. This research-based strategy has been effective for hundreds of thousands of teenagers, including low-income students of color.”

Center for Powerful Public Schools

Center for Powerful Public Schools
“Founded in 2003, Center for Powerful Public Schools provides services to school districts and individual public schools in Greater Los Angeles and across California. We equip educators to create an equitable classroom experience.
Our learner-centered teaching practices have impacted more than 15,000 students. Our approach improves student preparation for college and career. We believe that powerful public schools are essential to an equitable society, economy, and democracy.”

Classroom of the Future Foundation

Classroom of the Future Foundation
“To unite business, community, and educational leaders in creating innovative learning environments in San Diego County public schools that prepare our students to thrive in a competitive, global society. ”
“Since 1997, the Classroom of the Future Foundation (CFF) has united business, community, and educational leaders to create innovative learning environments in San Diego County public schools. CFF, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization works to advance its mission by ensuring that San Diego students are prepared to thrive in a competitive global society.
CFF is an extension of the San Diego County Office of Education and is known for being the convener of business, community, and educational leaders around innovation in education in our region. Moreover, CFF is a catalyst and champion for the creation of learning programs that apply proven business and technology-based practices in the school setting. CFF is also a trusted resource for school districts, and a thought leader on innovation in the classroom.”

Education Systems Center

Education Systems Center
“The mission of education systems center is to shape and support public systems that prepare more young people for careers in a global economy”

Envision Learning Partners

Envision Learning Partners
“Envision Learning Partners (ELP) empowers school and district leaders to build a supportive culture of learning by designing systems of performance assessment that encourage students and teachers to learn and grow together. We believe this approach contributes to greater equity in education—making sure every student has real choices and power over their own future.”
“Envision Learning Partners was created in 2010 to bring Envision Schools’ unique and effective approach to transforming student learning to schools and districts across the country. As Envision Education’s consulting and training division, Envision Learning Partners works with a broad range of district and charter schools to increase the number of students that are truly prepared for success in college, career and life.”

Foundation for California Community Colleges

Foundation for California Community Colleges
“The Foundation for California Community Colleges is the official nonprofit supporting the Board of Governors, chancellor’s Office, and the California Community College system—the largest system of higher education in the nation. Our work helps to benefit all California Community College students, colleges, college foundations, and the system as a whole by accelerating paths to economic and social mobility, strengthening communities, and reducing barriers to opportunity for all Californians. ”

Garner Holt

Garner Holt
“Garner Holt Productions, Inc. is the gateway to realms of incredible imagination, artistry, technical wizardry, experienced industry veterans, and unmatched, proven quality. From creating the world’s finest and most lifelike animatronic figures, to design for themed attractions, museums, retail and restaurant locations and more, GHP is the most complete design and production workshop in the world.”

Jobs for the Future

Jobs for the Future
“JFF accelerates the alignment and transformation of the American workforce and education systems to ensure access to economic advancement for all.”

Learning Policy Institute

Learning Policy Institute
“The Learning Policy Institute conducts and communicates independent, high-quality research to improve education policy and practice. Working with policymakers, researchers, educators, community groups, and others, the Institute seeks to advance evidence-based policies that support empowering and equitable learning for each and every child. Nonprofit and nonpartisan, the Institute connects policymakers and stakeholders at the local, state, and federal levels with the evidence, ideas, and actions needed to strengthen the education system from preschool through college and career readiness.”

Linked Learning Alliance

Linked Learning Alliance
“The Linked Learning Alliance is a statewide coalition of education, industry, and community organizations dedicated to improving California’s high schools and preparing students for success in college, career, and life. Established in May 2008, the Linked Learning Alliance aims to build a collective voice and coordinate efforts to expand access to Linked Learning in California—an approach to high school that integrates rigorous academics with real-world learning opportunities in fields of engineering, health care, performing arts, law, and more.”


“NAF is a national network of education, business, and community leaders who work together to ensure high school students are college, career, and future ready.”


At PBLWorks, our vision is for all students, especially Black and Brown students, to engage in high quality Project Based Learning to deepen their learning and achieve success in college, career, and life.


“Pivot Learning is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to revitalize our public school systems so that all students have the opportunity to succeed in college and career. We partner with education leaders at all levels and provide them with the knowledge, skills and support proven to strengthen educational systems and transform teaching and learning.”


“SCOPE provides children from underserved communities with life changing opportunities through the experience of summer camp.
SCOPE funds camp scholarships ‘camperships’ to send children who commit to staying in school to nonprofit, resident camps which will empower them to develop to their full potential.”

United Way Southeastern Michigan

United Way Southeastern Michigan
“To mobilize the caring power of Detroit and Southeastern Michigan to improve communities and individual lives in measurable and lasting ways.”
“We Live United for universal success and prosperity in Southeastern Michigan. To that end, we work with public, private and nonprofit partners to improve lives and empower every family to succeed by uniting around education, economic prosperity and health — the cornerstones of a strong, equitable community.”


“An education software company powered by passionate people who are committed to helping every student become future ready.”

YouthForce NOLA

YouthForce NOLA
“YouthForce NOLA is an education, business, and civic collaborative that prepares New Orleans public school students for successful pursuit of high-wage, high-demand career pathways. YouthForce NOLA offers expanded coursework offerings, career exposure and experiences, soft skills training and application opportunities, and employer-validated credentials.”